
The world's only mask with patented Breathable Barrier® Technology.

Clinical Proof Skincerity Works

Developed with funding provided by grants from the National Institutes of Health, Skincerity® is a revolutionary one-step breathable masque born out of advancements in topical drug

Skinceirty is extremely effective for both medical and cosmetic applications. An artiicle in the July, 2005 issue of Dermatology Times said,

subjective observations …who used the preparation to treat a scar suggested that the product had a powerful anti-wrinkle effect.

Unlike most consumer products, Sincerity’s groundbreaking breathable masque technology has been validated by some of the world’s leading physician experts in the following research studies:

Safe - Under the FDA-recommended test to determine skin irritation, the breathable masque was proven safe, non-drying, and non-irritating to skin (National Institutes of Health SBIR No. 5R42AR44435). The study also showed that the coating is antimicrobial to numerous pathogens. Results were presented at the Skin Disease Education Foundation 27th Hawaii Dermatology Seminar – February, 2003.

Superior Performance - A University of Utah Dept. of Dermatology, clinical study (NIH-SBIR No. R42AI041777) showed that active agents were more effective over a longer time with the breathable

masque than a traditional cream.

As a Topical Therapy – In NIH study BIR No. R44AI04527, the breathable masque demonstrated effectiveness in preventing and treating rashes/inflamed skin caused by contact with skin

irritants (contact dermatitis). Results were presented at the 2006 American Academy of Dermatology 64th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

In a study at University of Texas Health Sciences – Houston to determine effectiveness in treating KP (rough bumps on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks - often referred to as chicken skin), it was

demonstrated that the barrier coating significantly speeds improvement in KP. In addition to the clinical studies, patient testimonials demonstrate remarkable medical results for:
  • Acne
  • Scars
  • Eczema, itching
  • Ant and bug bites
  • Poison ivy and oak
  • Minor burns, sunburns and more…

As a Cosmetic – Quantitative results of a three month hand wrinkle study evaluated by the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio indicated that 67% of the participants experienced an average reduction in the appearance of wrinkles by 39%. Results were presented at the 2006 American Academy of Dermatology 63th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

As a cosmetic, both men and women report:

  • They did not have to change routine
  • Softer, silky skin in less than one week
  • Reduced appearance in size of pores
  • Brighter, younger looking skin
  • Reduction in appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

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 information on this page originates from

Nucerity International  Skincerity Malaysia  Skincerity Singapore • Skincerity Asia

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