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Skincerity for Babies?

Well, have you ever thought of applying skincerity on your baby for conditions like diaper rashes, little cuts, sun burns & baby acne? Are you not worried that the your baby's skin is sensitive to skincerity? There are articles on the web that people out there who tried skincerity on their babies as early as aged between 7 to 10 months old - Of course the result of it is amazing as usual. Diaper rashes disappeared. No more baby acne and facial redness. Some of the Eczematous conditions cured. Just take a look on some of the before and after photos below.

Skincerity results on Baby
Source : Web

Skincerity Malaysia - Skincerity on Baby
Source: Web

Source : Web

Skincerity Applied on Baby in Malaysia Before and After
Source: Facebook
The thing is, despite all these photos, does your baby really need skincerity to improve his or her skin conditions? Depending on the conditions really. Generally, baby's skin is different from adult. For example, a baby's paper cut will heal faster than an adult but babies are more susceptible to sun damage than are adults. More information on baby's skin - Click here. Take a look at one of the flyer which you can easily find on the web.

Skincerity Malaysia Baby Poster

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